Programme Delivery
This summer school includes lectures, practical work, seminars, educational excursions (for on-campus courses only), independent study and examinations.
Teaching Time
A minimum of 45 contact hours per course.
Recommended self-study: 2-3 hours per day.
Two weeks for each course (4 weeks if attending two sessions).
• Each online summer programme course usually lasts three weeks.
A final presentation on a team project or an individual project.
Generally, each course carries 6 ECTS Credits in the European system. Please check with your home institution regarding credit transfer.
Course Equivalence
Each course is broadly equivalent to one semester from an undergraduate degree.
Attendance Certificate and Transcript
Attendance is vital to success on the course, and you are required to attend at least 80% of your lessons to qualify for a Participate Record of Achievement (certificate).
The transcripts with the final grade achieved in the assessment will be available to you if you complete a course.
Oxford International Study Abroad Programme has contracts with the Colleges of Oxford University for the use of facilities and also contracts with lectures and professors from Oxford University on our courses. OISAP is not affiliated with the University of Oxford in any way.
Oxford International Study Abroad Programme
Belsyre Court, First Floor, 57 Woodstock Road
Oxford, OX2 6HJ, United Kingdom
P: +44 (0) 1865 521959