1. Introduction 
1.1 These terms and conditions shall apply to Oxford International Study Abroad Programme (the Programme), and all Programme Participants (The Students).
1.2 These headings are for ease of reference only and do not affect their interpretation or construction.

2. Students 
2.1 The Students acknowledge that their place on the programme will only be secured after having paid the programme fee.
2.2 The Students shall provide all required information by the Programme at least 4 weeks prior to their arrival date.
2.3 Up to and following the submission of application forms, the Programme reserves the right to deny programme admission to applicants.

3. Programme Fees 
3.1 The Students shall pay the programme fees in cleared funds upon receiving an Acceptance Letter.
3.2 Nonpayment, on or before the due date (time being of the essence), shall entitle the Programme, without contradicting any other rights held by Programme Applicants, to suspend or cancel admission and/or provision of Services.
3.3 The programme fees cover only the standard group arrangements. Any deviation from these arrangements, including personal requests or failure to adhere to group schedules, will incur additional administrative and relevant fees.

4. Programme Fees Refunds and Cancellation Policy
4.1 The Students shall be entitled to have all monies refunded on a pro-rata basis, with respect to any Students Places, that are cancelled by the Students in writing up until four weeks prior to their Arrival Date.
4.2 Refund & Cancellation Details
When cancelling within 90 days of the start of the programme, 70% of the full programme fee (for all selected options) is refunded.
When cancelling within 75 days of the start of the programme, 50% of the full programme fee (for all selected options) is refunded.
When cancelling within 30 days of the start of the programme, 0% of the full programme fee (for all selected options) is refunded.
4.3 The Programme will not refund Programme Fees as the result of any Participant’s late arrival to, non-attendance of, or withdrawal from, the Programme.


5. Limitations of liability 
5.1 Whilst each Student that completes the Programme will receive an attendance certificate, the Programme does not provide any guarantees with respect to the standards of any Participant’s personal abilities upon completion of the Programme.
5.2 Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits the liability of the Programme: (a) for death or personal injury caused by the Programme’s negligence; or (b) for any matter for which it would be illegal for the Programme to exclude or attempt to exclude its liability.
5.3 Subject to clause 5.2:
 (a) The Programme’s total liability, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty), misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise, arising under or in connection to the Programme, shall be limited to the Programme Fees; and (b) the Programme shall not be liable to the Students for loss of profits; loss of business; loss of anticipated savings; loss of revenues; loss of opportunity; loss of goodwill, or loss of reputation, whether directly or indirectly, and whether or not the type of loss was foreseen or reasonably foreseeable. Moreover, the Programme will not be liable for any indirect loss or damage suffered by the Participant. 
5.4 The Students agrees to indemnify the Programme and hold the Programme harmless from and against all losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses (including legal fees and costs) suffered or incurred in connection with any claims, demands, actions or other proceedings made or brought by any third party (including any Participant), arising from the acts or omissions of any Participant. 

6. Students’ Illness and Behaviour
6.1 The Students shall undertake, to the best of their ability, to comply with all rules and regulations as may be required by University of Oxford Colleges and other relevant local institutions.
6.2 The Programme reserves the right to expel Students from the Programme, without notice, as a result of inappropriate behaviour. Examples of inappropriate behaviour that could result in a Student being required to leave the Programme include poor attendance, disruptive behaviour, damage to Oxford College property, failure to comply with the Programme’s rules and regulations or any other behaviour deemed by the Programme to be inappropriate. 
6.3 In the event that a Student is required to leave the Programme under clause 6.1 or 6.2, no Programme Fees, Deposit or other monies paid to the Programme in connection with or relating to that Student shall be refunded by the Programme.

7. The Students’ Responsibilities
7.1 The Student undertakes with The Programme:
(a) if requested by The Programme to provide satisfactory references in respect of him/herself;
(b) to behave responsibly and not to damage any property belonging to The Programme, to any of the Campuses or to any other person;
(c) fully to indemnify The Programme against any loss or damage to the premises, furniture or other property of the Campuses or of any other person by the Student or ensuing as a reasonably (in the opinion of The Programme) foreseeable consequence of any act or omission of the Student and to indemnify The Programme against any and all claims or costs in respect thereof;
(d) not to undertake any activity that may be liable (in the opinion of The Programme) to bring The Programme, the Campuses, or other venues (whether or not Course activities are held there) into disrepute;
(e) to treat the facilities and the premises of the Campuses, other venues (whether or not Course activities are held there) and all other persons with care and respect for the privacy of their residents (where applicable) and not to interfere with or gain
access to or attempt to gain access to those parts of the premises of the Campuses or other venues to which public use
or access are indicated by the Campus or venue in question to be unauthorised;
(f) not to smoke in any room on the Campuses; in the event of noncompliance, smoke detectors may trigger the alarm; should the Fire Service levy a fine for unnecessary attendance the rights reserved to pass on this charge to the Student; the Student is referred to paragraph 8 of the Code of Conduct;
(g) without prejudice to Clause 8.1(f), not to commit any act which breaches the criminal law of, or infringes the civil rights of any
other person under the laws of, the legal jurisdiction in which the Course is held;
(h) to pay to The Programme a charge in respect of a replacement room key, access card, or other similar device in the event of the loss or damage of the original to the value of 100 Pounds Sterling, and in the event of loss or damage to any food payment fob or card to pay to The Programme a charge of 50 Pounds Sterling;
(i) to follow all instructions communicated or otherwise published by or on behalf of the Campuses and other venues (whether or not Course activities are held there) with respect to security, health and safety regulations, and personal and public safety;
(j) not to affix or attach anything to or otherwise decorate the whole or any part of the Campuses or any other venues (whether
or not Course activities are held there).
7.2 The Programme reserves the right at any time to exclude from the Course and the premises of the Campuses and to terminate this Contract in respect of any Student whose behaviour is, in the opinion of The Programme, unacceptable or an unacceptable nuisance or annoyance to other Students or to others on the premises of the Campuses or elsewhere shall apply. The Programme also reserves the right at any time (including before commencement of the Course) to exclude from the Course and the premises of the Campuses and to terminate this Contract where it reasonably believes that the behaviour of the Student is likely to result in a breach of the Code of Conduct or to be (in the sole opinion of The Programme) unacceptable, or where the Student has breached the Code of Conduct or other applicable rules on any other course operated by or on behalf of The Programme, and in such circumstances the Student shall receive no refund of any course fees already paid or incurred.
7.3 The Student is bound by the Code of Conduct and such other rules or regulations as may be notified to them whether before or after registration for the Course. Failure to abide by the Code of Conduct or any other rules and regulations may lead to expulsion from the Course and termination of this Contract.
7.4 The Programme reserves the right to refer instances of what it perceives to be obstructive, disruptive, illegal or aggressive behaviour by the Student to the appropriate authorities or security staff of the relevant Campus and/or the local police.
7.5 The Programme reserves the right not to issue or to rescind the Student’s graduation certificate and/or academic reports where the Student has in the opinion of The Programme breached any or all of the terms contained in this Contract.
7.6 Without prejudice to any other provision of this Contract, the Student shall at all times indemnify and keep indemnified The Programme against all expenses, costs, claims, damage and loss arising from or in connection with any act or omission of the Student.
7.7 The Student is responsible for their personal belongings and property during the Course. The Programme accepts no liability for lost, damaged, or stolen personal items.
7.8 The Student is required to meet at agreed times and locations for scheduled group activities. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action. In the event that the Student fails to attend group activities on time and without providing prior notice, the Student shall bear the consequences of their actions independently.
7.9 The Student must meet all academic and English language proficiency requirements as stated in The Programme’s promotional literature or communicated during the booking process. If The Programme deems that the Student does not meet the English language proficiency requirements, they may be transferred to an appropriate English language course at the discretion of The Programme. Should the Student not meet academic requirements, The Programme may transfer them to a more suitable course. If no suitable transfer is possible, The Programme reserves the right to remove the Student from the Course and terminate this Contract.
7.10 The Student shall not engage in criminal or civil misconduct or provide false qualifications or fraudulent documentation.

8. The Programme’s Responsibilities
8.1 The Programme shall deliver the Course, using reasonable care and skill.
8. 2 The Course fees include provision to the Student of suitable accommodation. In rare circumstances, The Programme may be prepared to allow the Student to arrange their own accommodation and to attend the Course as a day student. Such arrangements must be made with The Programme before booking a course, and adjusted fees will be agreed to reflect such alternative accommodation arrangements. The terms of such an agreement, including provisions regarding fees,
accommodation, and meals, are incorporated into this Contract, and in the event of any conflict between the Agreement and this Contract, the Agreement shall prevail. In such circumstances The Programme will have no responsibility for, or liability
in respect of, the Student's accommodation or meals beyond such as is provided for in the Agreement.
8.3 The Programme gives no guarantee that any request by or on behalf of the Student for particular accommodation arrangements with other students (such as sharing rooms with, or being in adjacent rooms to, another student) can or will be met, and the Student acknowledges that accommodation arrangements may be altered by The Programme in its absolute discretion at any time before or during the Course.
8.4 The Programme reserves the right, without being required to give any reason, to change the accommodation for the Course from that originally booked or allocated and to accommodate the Student at another Campus in the same city or region. The Programme shall endeavour to provide as much notice as reasonably possible of any such change in accommodation.
8.5 Bedrooms at the Campus are likely to be standard accommodation of the usual students of the institution which owns the Campus; as such, the majority of bedrooms are share or single and do not have en-suite lavatories or bathrooms. Any request by or on behalf of the Student to be allocated a room with an en-suite lavatory, bathroom, or shower room will be paid additionally by the students.
8.6 The standard and type (i.e. twin or single rooms, with or without en-suite facilities) of accommodation tends to vary, and the Student acknowledges that bedrooms are usually assigned at random, the principal exception to this being where genuine medical needs have been notified to, and accepted by The Programme.
8.7 Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing
The Programme is committed to providing a supportive environment for all students, ensuring their physical and emotional wellbeing during their time on the Course. A team of dedicated staff will be available to provide assistance with any personal, emotional, or academic concerns. However, the Student is encouraged to communicate any issues or concerns they may have during the Course. The Programme cannot be held responsible for issues arising due to the Student’s failure to seek appropriate support.
8.8 Academic Content and Learning Materials
The Programme will provide all necessary academic content, including lectures, seminars, and course materials required for the Course. The Programme uses reasonable efforts to ensure that these materials are up to date and relevant. However, the Programme reserves the right to make changes to the course syllabus, teaching personnel, or any course materials as necessary. Any significant changes will be communicated to the Student in advance.
8.9 Insurance Coverage
While The Programme will have basic insurance coverage for its operations, it is the responsibility of the Student (or their guardian) to arrange appropriate travel, health, and personal insurance for the duration of the Course. This should include cover for medical expenses, personal belongings, and any unforeseen circumstances such as cancellations or delays. The Programme is not responsible for any costs or losses that arise from the Student's failure to arrange adequate insurance.
8.10 Attendance and Participation
The Programme will provide clear guidance on class schedules and other compulsory activities, and the Student is expected to attend all scheduled sessions unless prevented by illness or other legitimate reasons. Failure to attend the required number of classes may result in the Student not receiving a certificate of completion. The Programme reserves the right to refuse participation in the Course to any Student whose attendance or behaviour is deemed unsatisfactory.
8.11 Safety and Security
The Programme will take reasonable measures to ensure the safety and security of all students during their stay. This includes conducting risk assessments for activities, ensuring adequate supervision, and providing guidelines on safety. However, students are expected to take personal responsibility for their own safety, to follow the rules set out by The Programme, and to behave responsibly both on and off-campus. The Programme cannot be held liable for incidents that occur as a result of the Student’s negligence or failure to adhere to safety protocols.
8.12 Field Trips and Excursions
Where field trips and excursions are included in the Course, The Programme will arrange transportation, accommodation (where necessary), and supervision. The Programme will take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of students during these excursions. However, students are required to follow instructions from staff and are responsible for their own behaviour during off-campus activities. The Programme cannot be held responsible for any incidents arising from the Student's failure to follow instructions or act responsibly.
8.13 Student Code of Conduct
The Programme will enforce a Code of Conduct designed to ensure a respectful, productive, and safe environment for all participants. This Code will include, but is not limited to, expectations regarding behaviour towards staff and fellow students, rules governing the use of shared spaces, and academic integrity. The Programme reserves the right to discipline or expel any student whose behaviour is deemed unacceptable, including behaviour that disrupts the learning environment, violates health and safety rules, or breaches the terms of this Contract.
8.14 Accommodation Rules
Students are expected to abide by the accommodation rules set out by The Programme or the host institution. These may include restrictions on visitors, noise levels, and the use of shared facilities. The Programme reserves the right to make changes to accommodation arrangements if the Student violates these rules or if it is deemed necessary for operational reasons. Any costs incurred due to damage caused by the Student to the accommodation or facilities will be charged to the Student.
8.15 Emergency Procedures
The Programme will have in place clear emergency procedures and staff trained to respond to incidents such as medical emergencies, fire alarms, or other critical situations. In the event of an emergency, The Programme will act in the best interest of the Student’s safety and wellbeing. Students are expected to familiarize themselves with emergency protocols and cooperate fully with staff during such situations.
8.16 Supervision for Minors
Where the Student is under the age of 18, The Programme will ensure appropriate supervision is provided during both academic and non-academic activities. This includes the presence of qualified staff members during all excursions and group activities. However, the Programme cannot provide one-on-one supervision at all times, and students are expected to demonstrate a level of personal responsibility and maturity appropriate to their age.


9. Marketing, Photography and Videos 
9.1 Subject to Clause 9.3 the Student agrees to participate in promotional activities undertaken by The Programme which include photography, videoing, recording and other such activities. 
9.2 These activities may result in the production of materials featuring the Student such as brochures, posters, websites, newsletters and marketing campaigns, as well as in the use of the Student’s image (whether moving or still) or voice in social media posts.
9.3 Where desired the Student may opt out in advance of involvement in such marketing by sending an email requesting 
this to info@oxfordstudyabroad.org.uk, or to such other address as may be notified to the Student by The Programme from time to time, in advance of the Course commencing.

10. Data Processing 
10.1 The Programme’s Privacy Policy for Parents, Legal Guardians, Customers and Students (“the Privacy Policy”), which is available at https://www.oxfordstudyabroad.org.uk/PrivacyPolicy (or at such other URL as The Programme may choose to make it available from time to time) or on request by email to info@oxfordstudyabroad.org.uk, sets out, amongst other information, what personal data The Programme collects, the ways in which that data is used, and with whom that data may be shared. 
10.2 For the avoidance of doubt, and without prejudice to any other legal basis which The Programme may have for processing that data, the Student consents to The Programme processing their personal data in accordance with the Privacy Notice.

11.  No Waiver
No forbearance, failure or delay by either party in enforcing or partially enforcing any provision of these terms and conditions shall be construed as a waiver of the rights of that party hereunder. Any waiver by either party, as well as any breach of, or any default under, any provision of these terms and conditions, shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach or default, and shall in no way affect the other terms and conditions.

12.  Force Majeure 
The Programme reserves the right to defer Arrival Date(s) or to cancel the Programme if it is prevented from or delayed in providing the Services and/or carrying on its business due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Programme including, and not limited to: acts of God, governmental actions, war or national emergency, acts of terrorism, protests, riot, civil commotion, fire, explosion, flood, epidemic, lock-outs, strikes or other labour disputes (whether or not relating to either party's workforce), restraints or delays affecting carriers, or  an inability or delay in obtaining supplies of adequate, suitable staff and/or materials.

13. Severability
If any provision featured in these terms and conditions (or part of any provision) is judged by any court or other body of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the other provisions and the remainder of the illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision shall remain in full force and effect. 

14. Third Party Rights
Nothing featured in these terms and conditions is intended to confer a benefit upon, or to be enforceable by, any person who is not a party to them.

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
The formation, existence, construction, performance, validity and all aspects of these terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and each party hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.